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Kuhns Bros Log Homes Presentation Sponsored by JHamouch LUMBER


The municipality of Rueil-Malmaison, FRANCE has given its encouragement and support for the first campaign of Kuhns Bros Log Homes and JHamouch LUMBER. Many active personalities from the municipality of Rueil-Malmaison shared the welcoming inauguration evening of May 29th 2009.

A very touching presentation was given about the project by the international sales manager of Kuhns Bros, followed by an encouraging talk given by the Vice-Maire of the municipality, Mr. Joël-Louis COLON, who is directing the department of economy development and relations with the commercial establishments of the town. At the end, a very warm and expressive talk ended the official event lead by Mr. Philippe LANGLOIS-D'ESTAINTOT, Vice-Maire who controls the department of sustainable development and environment. The presentation public day of Saturday May 30th 2009, characterized by the continuous attending of the french community of the town and its suburbs who admired and discovered the fascinating world of Log Homes.


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